Yoga Teacher Training

Dyana Wells, mindfulness teacher and authorDyana Wells is a co-founder with Karla Brodie, Neal Ghoshal, Vincent Bolletta and Brian Thurogood of the Centre for Contemporary Yoga Studies. This centre offers classes, workshops and teacher training programs in Remuera and St Heliers, Auckland, New Zealand.

“As individuals we are all committed to investigation, excellence and a passionate enquiry of yoga,” says Dyana. Their different fields of expertise, when integrated, result in a unique approach to yoga through which students can discover their own path and voice as teachers.

Dyana adds: “Yoga is not a fixed dogma – it is a journey, an investigation, different for every individual.” 

300-Hour Yoga Teacher Training Module for 2017

Somatics and Mindfulness with Dyana Wells

Also suitable as Professional Development for Yoga Students and Teachers

Dyana’s personal focus is on working with the mind – through meditation, discussion and specific practices that highlight subtle components of awareness.

Dyana Wells, yoga teacher training and mindfulness workshopsThe new lifestyles enjoyed by many yoga students offer opportunities to investigate and develop their knowledge, and to incorporate new insights from dance, structural and functional body therapies, somatics, body-mind centering practices and human physiology.

Dyana is very excited about the training, explaining “it offers a richly explorative and modern approach to yoga.”

Students will study musclo-skeletal anatomy and function in depth to understand how they are doing what they are doing, and why somatic exercises are so effective. They will learn the principles of neuro-muscular reprogramming to understanding the interaction between the brain and the muscles.


Yoga Teacher Training via Auckland’s Centre for Contemporary Yoga Studies is Yoga Alliance accredited.

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