Oct 2023 Retreat

The second immersive retreat with Dyana Wells and Dr Violet Sherwood.
Qigong and Self-Care Practices for women’s vitality, health and wellbeing, and deepening our connection with the Sacred Feminine.
Explore our alignment with ourselves and in the cosmos. Work with Qigong, Tibetan deities and insights from Kuan Yin – the Tibetan and Chinese Goddess/Bodhisattva of compassion.

Enter the Sacred Feminine
Radiant dakini healing practices for sacred connection to the elements. This retreat is for women only.
The Qigong practices will focus on sacred Taoist feminine energies. We will explore practices that enhance women’s health and wellbeing, including awakening the female body as source of creative potential and dragon gate to embodied spirituality.
Tibetan Dakini/Goddess practices and meditations involve visualising ourselves as the awakened goddess of each element. These practices enable us to access the qualities of the five elements: earth, water, fire, air and space.
Lotus Flower
The lotus flower begins life in the secret darkness and humility of earth. It raises its energy through stem and bud, journeying through water towards light. As the lotus blossoms, it rests perfectly balanced between water and air, connecting the realms of heaven and earth, opening its secret heart, giving itself fully to life.
Nourish, balance, and vitalise our women’s health and creativity through qigong practices. Learn how to honour the secret darkness that births our potential.
Learn how to align ourselves with the potent energies of heaven and earth and create energetic boundaries for containing and strengthening our vitality.
Learn to value and love our feminine consciousness and the sacredness of our bodies that are capable of creating life in many forms.
Practise opening our hearts to the world without losing ourselves to the needs of others.
Kuan Yin
Receive the energy and wisdom of Kuan Yin to cultivate clear balanced compassion for ourselves, others and the cosmos, supporting life and aliveness with a clear and peaceful heart.
The Five Elements
When understood and purified, the elements manifest as the five pristine awarenesses. Connecting with these qualities of awakened consciousness is the main purpose of Tibetan Teaching.
Experience the five pristine awarenesses: stability, clarity, discrimination, energy and space, allowing us to be more present and engaged in our daily life.
There will be time at the end of the sessions for discussion.

The Tao is called the Great Mother:
Empty yet inexhaustible,
It gives birth to infinite worlds.
It is always present within you.
You can use it any way you want.
Tao te Ching 6, Lao-tsu, transl. Stephen Mitchell
You can Pay Online via the Form, or pay by Bank Transfer per details below.
The second immersive retreat with Dyana Wells and Dr Violet Sherwood
In Raglan, Waikato, New Zealand
2-Day, non-residential
Resheduled for 28-29 October 2023
9:30–4:30 Saturday, 9:30–3:30 Sunday
Payment by Bank Transfer:
ANZ | Dyana Wells | 11-5345-0240619-01
If paying by Bank Transfer, include term “Sacred Retreat” in the details. We’ll confirm your payment.
If you have any difficulties with Payment options, use the Stay Connected form below.
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Fees for workshops are refundable up until a fortnight prior to commencement date, less a $30 administration fee. There is no refund of fees within a fortnight of the commencement date, however the fees may be transferred to another workshop within the next two years.