About Dyana
A life of investigation, play and gratitude
Dyana has been a lifelong student of many disciplines. She has a BSc majoring in Botany and Zoology, MA (Hons) in Philosophy, MCW (Hons) in Creative Writing, Dip Yoga Therapy from Wellpark College, a Cert Counselling and most recently a Diploma in Art and Creativity.
Her infectious curiosity about all aspects of living and the relationships between them is the gift she brings to her teaching.
Dyana has been teaching for much of her life. She developed a Yoga Teachers Training Program in Auckland where she taught Yoga Philosophy, Meditation, Somatics and Anatomy & Physiology. She has continued teaching with the Contemporary Yoga Teachers Training school in Remuera. Dyana also taught Chemistry and Anatomy & Physiology to Naturopathic and Massage students at Wellpark College of Natural Therapies.
Dyana has been studying Tibetan Buddha dharma for the past 30 years. Her primary teachers were Namygal Rinpoche, Tarchin Hearn, Cecelie Kwait and Lama Mark Webber. She regularly embarks on long retreats to deepen her understanding of meditation, the nature of mind and the purpose of life.
Dyana has recently moved to Raglan to be near her three children and nine grandchildren and is now focusing on Open Ground, a teaching space at her home in Lily Street. She will be offering classes there in body work and meditation.
A Passion for Sailing and Other Things
I’ve lived most of my life around the sea – as a child on my grandfather’s boat around Raglan harbour – right up to my present life of summers cruising around the Hauraki Gulf, up to the Bay of Islands and around Great Barrier with my sisters, father and friends. Sailing, swimming, snorkelling and fishing … I’m definitely most at home at sea.
Offshore cruising is often not a cruise! That’s right. An apparently simple journey from Auckland to Fiji can be both exhilarating and exhausting – chucked around the boat, throwing up over the rails and drowning in wet clothes. Next day, I’m still weary but full of a deep confidence in the ocean and its careless embrace.
I’m an ardent lover of the bigger adventures, both in sailing and life. “What is life?” and “Who am I?” have been my constant companions, launching me into quests through science, philosophy, spirituality … and love!
My journey from city mother to sailing traveller and world wanderer gave my questions of meaning more space. And I was fortunate to have eager children, ready for each new adventure, and a father willing to undertake ocean voyages almost at the drop of a sailing cap.
Feet on the ground in the mountains, tunnelling through caves and kayaking down rivers, a life of physical adventure with my family fueled my internal questing, and the certainty I would discover my answers in nature.

Dearest Dyana, Thank you for sharing your incredible knowledge with me! I was like a sponge just wanting more and more. I learnt so much A&P from you, but also so much more. My life is so much richer, fuller because of you. Thank you so much for filling my intellect with SO much. – Jo
Meditation practices were brilliant, as were the talks. A wealth of knowledge. – Melissa Gardiner
So much passion! You re an amazing person, and I’m honoured to have had your sharing to be part of my NZ journey. Thank you so much for influencing my life. – Patrick.
All my gratitude for your beautiful and inspiring teachings. I love your simplicity and the generosity with which you share your knowledge. I have never had such a great anatomy, philosophy and meditation before. You make all the concepts so clear. – Marine
Who would have thought I would find anatomy so gorgeously fascinating. Thank you for the magic you instilled. – Sara.
Thank you for the warmth and sunshine you bring and your amazing teaching. So full of passion. Your unconditional love has touched our hearts and will stay forever. – Sandy
Dear Dyana. Thank you for being beside me throughout my profound journey. You were constantly lighting the dark so I can see. Lots of love to you. Love Yumi.
You made learning about the human body so bright and exciting. – Renae
I found it absolutely fascinating to learn how and why the body works as it does. Everything was relevant, Dyana related each and every aspect we covered right from the cells to how they relate to the practice of yoga. This knowledge will definitely make me a better teacher, and there are many ways that I will be able to integrate it into my teaching.
I found Dyana really inspirational. – Juliet Slovgrove
Your passion and knowledge of the human body and mind is incredible and inspiring! I’ve learned so much from you and you’ve inspired me to get/have a daily meditation as part of my practice! Thank you. Love Phoebe
Your mind is incredible and your spirit beautiful to be around. Namaste. – Sophie
Thank you for sharing your knowledge and wisdom. All our meditation journeys have been such a powerful experience. – Juju
Words cannot express my feelings. I know you will follow me in my life journey – for that I thank you. – Mary
Dyana, what can I say? LIFE CHANGING, Complete revelation. LETTING GO. I’ve loved every minute and seen the depths of your soul. Thank you for sharing you. And for SEEING ME. From one fire sister to another. – Belinda
You are a true inspiration! I am so grateful to you for sharing your passion with so much enthusiasm. Keep on sharing your love for life! Much love, Raquel
I loved the close attention to body, breath and the relationship to the ground. That was something I really needed and will be useful in whatever work I do with people, no matter what. I loved all the spiritual stuff, into it, find it beautiful and useful. – Candice Lewis
Thank you Dyana, for helping me find stillness, awareness and understanding – especially of the bod I live in! Transformational learning. – Caroline.
Your knowledge and wisdom is absolutely incredible! Thank you for sharing it with us! I love your passion and enthusiasm. – Bridget
You’re an inspiration. Thank you for focusing all my learning in such a positive way. – Nic.
Hi Dyana – wow – this has been such a transformational experience for me. I thank you for teaching me so much about my body and mind. – Glen
Dyana, thank you for opening my eyes again. I feel you have given me such a gift though your teaching and presence. It feels like the blinkers to life are coming off, and the possibilities and potential for how I can live my life are endless and exciting. – Sandra
Dyana brings an inspiring enthusiasm and genuine curiosity to her teachings. Her wealth and depth of knowledge and experience are shared with a passion and delight, encouraging a spirit of enquiry and nurturing a love of learning in her students. – Kelly Watson
Anatomy is probably my favourite subject! Dyana is incredibly knowledgeable and shares her enthusiasm infectiously! Great combination of talk and practical. – Sarah Ford
Dyana, than you for being the wisest, kindest teacher of yoga philosophy and anatomy. Your sharing and explorations have brought great awareness to my journey. – Praj
Dyana, as I called you a walking wisdom – thank you for a life-lasting experience. – Roger
Dyana, you have opened my mind to a whole new path and perspective. Thank you. – Fiona
How can one person have so much knowledge!! You are amazing. Dyana your wisdom is never ending. I thank you for sharing it with us. – Lisa
Dear Dyana, thank you so much for your generous sharing. You depth of knowledge is incredible. I have so enjoyed my personal path of learning from you. With much love and appreciation. – Paul
Working …
Working with the Physical body
The body needs to move to stay healthy. When the body is healthy then the mind is strong and more positive.
Body awareness practices establish a living relationship with our body.
Earth awareness practices establish our connection to the earth.
An analysis of posture and postural holding patterns show us our history. Somatic and simple yoga practices can bring the body back into physical balance.
The elements earth, water, fire, air and space can be balanced through lifestyle choices, exercise, and visualisation.
Working with the Energy body
Breath work connects us to the subtle energies of the body and enables us to purify them.
Kum nye practices clear, brighten and enhance the life-sustaining energy in the body.
Pranic exercises in combination with visualisation bring the pranas back into balance.
Simple yoga poses with directed awareness and focus help align and clear the energies.
Working with the Mind
Philosophy and wisdom teachings help us understand who we are, what we want and where we are going.
Through meditation and awareness we can identify limiting thinking patterns and bring some perspective and space .
Specific meditations help cultivate positive qualities such as loving kindness and compassion.
Practices from the Buddhist tradition work directly with difficult emotions.
Creative visualisations tap into our own inner resources for meeting difficulties.
Mindfulness meditations enable us to remain present with whatever arises.
Contact Dyana
Phone and Text
+64 21 036 7717
dyanawells [at] gmail.com