Artist • Author • Teacher
Dyana completed the Diploma of Creativity with the Learning Connection in Wellington.
She exhibits regularly with RaglanArt and currently has work in the Raglan Old School and Raglan’s new iHub information centre alongside the Museum.
She works in a wide variety of mediums, including Acrylic, Watercolour, Print Making, Encaustic and Collage.

Enter the Sacred Feminine
A Weekend of Deity and Qigong Practices for women’s vitality and sacred connection.
Immerse in radiant qi practices designed for women’s health, wellbeing and deepening our connection with the Sacred Feminine.
The second immersive retreat with Dyana Wells and Dr Violet Sherwood
In Raglan, Waikato, New Zealand
2-Day, non-residential
Rescheduled for 28-29 October 2023
9:30–4:30 Saturday, 9:30–3:30 Sunday
Relearning Healthy Movement – Somatic Practice and Kum Nye
These gentle movement classes use simple exercises done with attention and enthusiasm to break down inflexible, rigid movement restrictions and allow the brain to create more freedom and integration in our movement.
The exercises are based on new findings from neuromuscular research and are used to guide students to somatic intelligence and ease. After a few lessons you will be moving with less pain, less effort and more pleasure.
Suitable for sports people, yogis, older people, anyone wanting to regain their full range of movement, to move in a natural stress-free way, and to become pain free.
Many modern diseases are rooted in contracted, restricted movement. Because we aren’t conscious of what our bodies are doing we can’t bring about the changes needed to restore health. It isn’t difficult.
In these classes we will make friends with our bodies, we will learn how to relax while moving, to pay attention and be interested in our movement, and to listen rather than control. We all know how to move gracefully. We just need to get out of the way and allow this to happen.
Somatics is a skilful way of learning how to do this.
These are open classes suitable for beginners and experienced students.
Repeat Somatic 6-week course will be advised later in the year.
Stay connected for further 2023 dates. Sign up below for our friendly newsletter.
Dyana is now a primary faculty member for Laborartry – Raglan’s new Arts School

Weekly classes and weekend workshops for kids, teenagers and adults. Small class sizes allow for one-on-one tuition when appropriate.
Exploring new techniques, with time for creative play, you can experiment and unlock your artist potential.
From beginners to experienced – don’t be shy!