The Five Elements

The Five Elements

It’s easy for me to forget that I have been made up out of the elements of nature: earth, water, fire, air, space. I forget that if I am to understand myself, I need to understand the elements that are forming me. My relationship to the natural world is much more...
Why I love Somatics

Why I love Somatics

Finally, after almost a lifetime of yoga practice and study, I came to Somatics. I had struggled with a broad variety of different ideas about how yoga should be practised. A lot of the instruction seemed contradictory and hard to clearly embody. I kept forgetting...
Self Comes to Mind

Self Comes to Mind

Antonio Damasio’s Self Comes to Mind What I found so fascinating about this book was Damasio’s idea that our self evolved first of all as a clever way to organise information from the body and respond to it effectively. A self begins to consciously experience the...
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