

Courses on Mindfulness for Daily Life, with emphasis on Meditation from a Buddhist perspective.

The basic practice of mindfulness was taught by the Buddha 2,500 years ago. He was very clear that without mindfulness there is no liberation.

“This is the only way, for the purification of beings, … for the destruction of suffering … for the attainment of Nibbana, is the four foundations of mindfulness.”

Dyana Wells, mindfulness teacher 2017Fortnightly Saturday mornings in 2017

Mindfulness is the most powerful tool we have for transformation.

In these courses we will focus on the four foundations of mindfulness:

  • awareness of the body
  • awareness of feelings and emotions
  • awareness of mental contents and thoughts
  • awareness of phenomena, the patterns of life

We will use movement, meditation, creative visualisation and discussion to dive deeply into the experience of being alive and fully engaged in our present experience. 

Using powerful yet gentle movement exercises from the Tibetan Yoga tradition, we cultivate an awareness which naturally opens our bodies and enriches our minds.

Followed by discussion into core Buddhist principles, and meditation practices to give a deeper insight into how our mind/body operates. Understanding and seeing clearly enable us to make changes that bring us greater ease and happiness.

Mindfulness training with Dyana Wells, 2017

We will be using different kinds of meditations and practices to train ourselves to be present to the many conflicting and compelling emotions, stories, and experiences that distress and distract us in daily life. You will develop your ability to rest in a calm spacious presence, meeting whatever arises with loving kindness and interest.

The series of classes has a practical focus. 

  • supporting the cultivation of awareness, concentration and total acceptance of the present moment.
  • working with the body and mind to bring a full, subtle engagement with what is.
  • increase our sense of connectedness with and responsibility to all of life.

Students will look at incorporating the Buddhist seven factors of enlightenment into their practice and daily life.

Series One: Mar 11, Mar 25, April 8, April 22, May 6, May 20, June 3, June 17.

Hours: Saturdays 9:30–12:30

Venue: Contemporary Yoga, 351 Remuera Road, Auckland 1050


8-Week Course $300 (save $100). Single workshops $50.

Students are encouraged to attend the whole series. Book 8 and you get 2 for free:


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