Our Classes
Qigong Fortnightly
Join Violet Sherwood for Qigong classes, beginning Friday 12th February, 9:30-10:45am.
Qigong is an ancient Chinese energy practice that is part of traditional Chinese medicine.
Translated as skilfulness at working with energy, qigong can be considered a movement meditation and healing practice.
Violet Sherwood is a psychotherapist, poet, author, and qigong practitioner. She has explored Eastern and Western philosophies and practices for cultivating wisdom, healing and spirituality for many years.
Violet will introduce skills and practices from a variety of her teachers.
Learn how to connect with the energies of the universe and your own self-healing energies to increase vitality, wellness, flexibility, peacefulness and flow.
Using gentle strengthening flows and releases – combined with acupressure, meditation and other traditional Chinese medicine concepts – we release stagnant energy trapped in the body tensions of our chronic holding patterns; we smooth out the flow of energy in our bodies, and we strengthen our own energy field in alignment with energy fields in the universe.
Qigong may increase your flexibility, joint health, strength, posture, vitality, relaxation, sleep and reduce or relieve chronic pain. With regular practice most people experience increased levels of wellness and wellbeing and a feeling of emotional and physical freedom.
Classes are suitable for beginners and moderately experienced students, and for all levels of fitness. Please dress in loose comfortable clothing. No equipment is required.
These classes are relaxed and relaxing, fun, done without striving or pushing beyond our capacities, and open us to new dimensions of energy.
Casual $15 per class
10 class concession card $120 (save $30)
Bank transfer account 060-0299-0095816-00
Cash. Please bring correct amount.
Enquiries to drvioletsherwood@gmail.com or 021-117-9779
Fortnightly from Friday 12th February, 9.30-10.45am.
At the New Creative Space
at The Old School
Somatics Weekly
Join Dyana Wells in movement classes, weekly on Wednesday mornings, 9:30-10:45am.
Relearning Healthy Movement
These gentle movement classes use simple exercises done with attention and enthusiasm to break down inflexible, rigid movement restrictions and allow the brain to create more freedom and integration in our movement.
The exercises are based on new findings from neuromuscular research and are used to guide students to somatic intelligence and ease. After a few lessons you will be moving with less pain, less effort and more pleasure.
In these classes we will make friends with our bodies, we will learn how to relax while moving, to pay attention and be interested in our movement, and to listen rather than control. We all know how to move gracefully. We just need to get out of the way and allow this to happen.
Suitable for sports people, yogis, older people, anyone wanting to regain their full range of movement, to move in a natural stress-free way, and to become pain free.
Many modern diseases are rooted in contracted, restricted movement. Because we aren’t conscious of what our bodies are doing we can’t bring about the changes needed to restore health. It isn’t difficult.
Somatics is a skilful way of learning how to do this.
These are open classes suitable for beginners and experienced students.
Casual $15 per class
10 class concession card $120 (save $30)
Bank transfer account 11-5345-0240619-01
Cash. Please bring correct amount.
Enquiries to dyanawells@gmail.com or 021-036-7717
Or use the Form below to contact teachers or admin.
Weekly on Wednesday mornings, 9:30-10:45am.
At Open Ground Yoga Shala
24 Lily Street, Raglan
Kum Nye Weekly
Join Dyana Wells for Kum Nye classes, weekly on Friday mornings, 9.30-10.45am.
Kum Nye means ‘inner massage’. These practices start with slow movements followed by a period of stillness either sitting or lying down.
The focus is on the sensations of breathing and movement, as well as the experience of inner and outer space. As the mind settles on sensation it is able to refine itself and connect with more subtle feeling tones.
These feeling tones can move through the body to promote relaxation and healing. As the mind settles even further it is able to discover the presence of awareness in the dimension of sensation. Being able to rest in the open luminosity of awareness is the goal of meditation.
In the practices we will be exploring, we bring together tension and discomfort with ease and relaxation, at the same time. This training gives us direct experience of the freedom and power we have when part of the mind remains equanimous even when life gets sticky.
The qualities of stillness, spaciousness and silence are an intrinsic part of all our experience, accessible at all times. The deepest healing arises when we are able to embody these qualities in difficult times. The gentle Kum Nye movements we will be practising have the potential to heal us at all three levels:
- the body through sensation
- the emotions through feeling
- the mind through awareness.
These are open classes suitable for beginners and experienced students.
Casual $15 per class
10 class concession card $120 (save $30)
Bank transfer account 11-5345-0240619-01
Cash. Please bring correct amount.
Enquiries to dyanawells@gmail.com or 021-036-7717
Or use the Form below to contact teachers or admin.
Weekly on Friday mornings, 9.30-10.45am.
At Open Ground Yoga Shala
24 Lily Street, Raglan
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