Dyana brings 30 years of investigation and teaching in Buddhist Philosophy, Yoga, Somatics, Kum Nye, and Anatomy & Physiology to her classes.
Dyana’s new home is Raglan. She shares her deep commitment to the human journey, and supports others in their desire to live from a good heart in the midst of daily activity.
Open Ground classes
increase your strength, fitness and vitality
cultivate awareness, concentration and enthusiasm
free yourself from unwanted tension and confusion
enjoy a full, more creative life
Stay connected for 2023. Sign up below for our friendly newsletter.
Somatics 6-Week Course
Join Dyana Wells in movement classes on Wednesday mornings, 9:30am–11am. New dates will be advised.
Relearning Healthy Movement
Each class will start with a short introductory functional anatomy lesson so you are able to visualise and understand how your body is built to move, and how chronic tension in different areas leads to pain, restricted movement and tissue damage.
We will work through the different areas of the body week by week, doing slow repetitive movements and bringing awareness to what is happening throughout the body. There will be a strong focus on the neck and shoulders, and the pelvis and lower back.
Somatic movement allows us to find a way back into more easeful movement which can then become patterned into the brain. The process is called neuromuscular reprogramming. Each class will finish with a short guided meditation.
Somatic practice is possible for anyone. It does not depend on a particular level of fitness or flexibility. It can transform the way you engage your other activities including yoga, swimming, golf, pilates, walking, living.
The cost is $90 for the 6-week course and the class is limited to 5 participants.
See details below for bank transfer.
Kum Nye Weekly
Join Dyana Wells for Kum Nye classes – Dates and times to be advised.
Kum Nye means ‘inner massage’. These practices start with slow movements followed by a period of stillness either sitting or lying down.
The focus is on the sensations of breathing and movement, as well as the experience of inner and outer space. As the mind settles on sensation it is able to refine itself and connect with more subtle feeling tones.
These feeling tones can move through the body to promote relaxation and healing. As the mind settles even further it is able to discover the presence of awareness in the dimension of sensation. Being able to rest in the open luminosity of awareness is the goal of meditation.
In the practices we will be exploring, we bring together tension and discomfort with ease and relaxation, at the same time. This training gives us direct experience of the freedom and power we have when part of the mind remains equanimous even when life gets sticky.
The qualities of stillness, spaciousness and silence are an intrinsic part of all our experience, accessible at all times. The deepest healing arises when we are able to embody these qualities in difficult times. The gentle Kum Nye movements we will be practising have the potential to heal us at all three levels:
- the body through sensation
- the emotions through feeling
- the mind through awareness
Use the STAY CONNECTED form below to advise Dyana of your interest.
At Open Ground Yoga Shala, 24 Lily Street, Raglan
These are open classes suitable for beginners and experienced students.
Bank Transfer account: 11-5345-0240619-01. Cash: Please bring correct amount.
Enquiries to dyanawells@gmail.com or 021-036-7717. Or use the Form below to contact teachers or admin.
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